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Red Bluff Union Elementary District

Red Bluff Union Elementary District

Aeries Substitutes - Procedures

Single day Sub:
  1. Navigate to “School Info\Portal Management\Create Substitute Teacher Accounts”
  2. Select the teachers needing a sub
  3. Select the date the subs will be needed. The temp account will only be active for that day.
  4. Enter a custom message(Please see the image below for a recommended message to use)

    Create substitute account
Subs 2-30 days:
  1. Navigate to “Security\Users”
  2. Search for the sub name to see if sub user account already created. “Add” a new user for each  sub that does not already have an account.
  3. Enter the following for each Sub account -
    1. Type: “Substitute Teacher”
    2. User Name: “sub[firstinitial][lastname]
    3. Temp Password: “rbuesub”
    4. Must Change Password: “Checked”
    5. Staff ID: Search for and select our district’s teacher who will be needing the sub
    6. First Name: Sub’s First Name
    7. Last Name: Sub’s Last Name
    8. Email Address: Sub’s Email address(or RUBESD email address if provided)
    9. Google Account: Sub’s RBUESD Google account if provided
  4. IMPORTANT: After sub is no longer needed, please make sure to change the status to “Inactive”

    Account search
Subs 31 days and beyond:
  1. Create a new “Staff” profile for the sub
  2. Create a new “Teacher” profile for the sub
  3. Create a new “Security User - ‘Teacher’(Not ‘Substitute Teacher’)” profile for the sub
  4. Select the School needing the sub
  5. Select the teacher needing the sub
  6. For schools with “Sections”(Vista) proceed with steps 7-9, for Primary grades(BID,JAC,MET) skip to steps 10-11 
  7. Select the checkboxes next to the sections needing to be transferred from that teacher
  8. In the area on the right named “Transfer Sections to another Teacher”, complete the following:
    1. New Teacher: Select the Sub teacher name needing to transfer to
    2. Select the Effective Date
    3. Leave the checkbox marked “Update Teacher and Attendance Enrollment if Applicable?”
    4. Enter Exit and Enter reason codes
    5. Click the “1” button “Transfer all Sections and Gradebooks to New Teacher
  9. All sections that were selected are now transferred to the Sub teacher, and the sub can access/manage the students under their profile, as teacher of record

    Aeries Substitute teacher data

  10. Primary Grades - In the area to the right, complete the following
    1. Select the Sub teacher students need to be transferred to
    2. Click the “4” button “Move All Students/Gradebooks to Another Teacher

      Aeries substitute add and change

  11. All students should now be available in the sub’s profile as teacher of record
  12. After district teacher has returned to active duty, and sub is no longer needed, complete steps above (Vista)4,5,7-9 or (BID,JAC,MET)4,5,10-11, this time selecting the Sub teacher, and transferring back to the district teacher.