Aeries Substitutes - Procedures
Single day Sub:
- Navigate to “School Info\Portal Management\Create Substitute Teacher Accounts”
- Select the teachers needing a sub
- Select the date the subs will be needed. The temp account will only be active for that day.
- Enter a custom message(Please see the image below for a recommended message to use)
Subs 2-30 days:
- Navigate to “Security\Users”
- Search for the sub name to see if sub user account already created. “Add” a new user for each sub that does not already have an account.
- Enter the following for each Sub account -
- Type: “Substitute Teacher”
- User Name: “sub[firstinitial][lastname]
- Temp Password: “rbuesub”
- Must Change Password: “Checked”
- Staff ID: Search for and select our district’s teacher who will be needing the sub
- First Name: Sub’s First Name
- Last Name: Sub’s Last Name
- Email Address: Sub’s Email address(or RUBESD email address if provided)
- Google Account: Sub’s RBUESD Google account if provided
- IMPORTANT: After sub is no longer needed, please make sure to change the status to “Inactive”
Subs 31 days and beyond:
- Create a new “Staff” profile for the sub
- Create a new “Teacher” profile for the sub
- Create a new “Security User - ‘Teacher’(Not ‘Substitute Teacher’)” profile for the sub
- Select the School needing the sub
- Select the teacher needing the sub
- For schools with “Sections”(Vista) proceed with steps 7-9, for Primary grades(BID,JAC,MET) skip to steps 10-11
- Select the checkboxes next to the sections needing to be transferred from that teacher
- In the area on the right named “Transfer Sections to another Teacher”, complete the following:
- New Teacher: Select the Sub teacher name needing to transfer to
- Select the Effective Date
- Leave the checkbox marked “Update Teacher and Attendance Enrollment if Applicable?”
- Enter Exit and Enter reason codes
- Click the “1” button “Transfer all Sections and Gradebooks to New Teacher
- All sections that were selected are now transferred to the Sub teacher, and the sub can access/manage the students under their profile, as teacher of record
- Primary Grades - In the area to the right, complete the following
- Select the Sub teacher students need to be transferred to
- Click the “4” button “Move All Students/Gradebooks to Another Teacher
- All students should now be available in the sub’s profile as teacher of record
- After district teacher has returned to active duty, and sub is no longer needed, complete steps above (Vista)4,5,7-9 or (BID,JAC,MET)4,5,10-11, this time selecting the Sub teacher, and transferring back to the district teacher.
- Departments
- Nutrition Services
- Human Resources
- Technology
- Facilities
- Business Services
- Payroll
- Purchasing