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Red Bluff Union Elementary District

Red Bluff Union Elementary District

Aeries - Intradistrict Student Transfer

How To - Intradistrict Student Transfers
Description: If a student is transferring between schools within the same district, follow the below instructions.
This walk-through is from the perspective of the site secretary who is receiving the student.
1 - Confirm your active view is of your school site, and current year.
Aeries 2017-2018 Bidwell Elementary School
2 - Select “Demographics” from the tree in the left column, found under “Student Data”.
Student Demographics
3 - Click the “Add” button near the bottom of the screen.
Add Student
4 - Search for the student by one or more of the available search criteria options. In this example I am searching for the student using the “Last Name” field. Click Enter on your keyboard, or click the “Search” button at right. Then Select the student.
Search for Student
5 - Mark the box “This student is Active at the other school. Continue?” Then click the “Transfer Student” button.
Transfer Student
6 - By default, the system sets the “Next Schl” field to whatever their record from the previous school shows. This student did not have their “Next Schl” field populated in the previous school record, so it sets it to a “0” value.
Next School
NOTE:In the past, this value was not able to be changed due to the code table not having the school sites listed. This has been resolved as of July 2017. All sites have been added as options to choose from.
7 - Select your school. In this case, Bidwell.
Select your school
8 - Click the “Update” button near the bottom of the screen.
Update student data
Now we have multiple records in the system for this single student. Next steps will be to clean up(remove) unnecessary records.
Search for and select Student
9 - Once you have confirmed the student is now showing in your school, email our district Registrar((Karla Montes). In the email, please make sure to include the student's Full Name, Perm ID, and School Site the student should be deleted from.
The student is now transferred to their new school, and the duplicate student record will be deleted by our district Registrar. 
Created: 7/27/17 - BV